Artificial Intelligence in Customer Relationship Management

CRM and CEM: Much ado about nothing?

In saturated markets with little or no differentiation between suppliers, customer service often decides about success and failure of a company.
The active management of customer relations from satisfied, loyal customers to brand ambassadors is difficult.

CRM: On one eye blind

How do you measure customer satisfaction and experience?
Until now CRM and CEM projects relied on the statistical evaluation of structured data.
Leads, conversion rates and profitability at best provide information about the direction of customer satisfaction.

Most of the data in a company is unstructured and cannot be analyzed using classical analysis tools. If free text portions of surveys can perhaps still be evaluated with large personnel expenditure, only snapshots of customer satisfaction are produced. Replication is again associated with the same high costs.
Data from external systems, such as social media, can usually not be analyzed easily in the CRM context.

Fast and incorruptible: Artificial intelligence in CRM

Assessing large, unstructured amounts of data permanently and quickly objectively – a mammoth task that can only be accomplished by extremely large and costly CRM teams.
Deep Data Analytics has trained its artificial intelligence to do just that. Large amounts of data that flow in at high velocity are analyzed in the shortest possible time.
Our artificial intelligence not only captures the topics, but also links individual attributes of a service or a product, so-called entities, with the sentiment, i.e. the emotionality with which it is discussed.

Questions that DDA can answer for your Customer Relationship Initiative:

  • Are my Customers satisfied?
  • What aspects cause discontent?
  • What about my competitors?
  • Which aspects of servicesupset my customers?
  • Where is most urgent need for action?
  • What do satisfied customers say compared to unsatisfied customers?

Want to get to know your customers?

Want to know what really drives customer loyality?

How does DDA help me understand my customers?

What are my customers talking about right now?

Which subtopics are in warranty?

subtopics in warranty

Sentiment in customer relationships

Customer relations with companies are characterized by strong feelings. From absolute loyalty to rejection. DDA’s models allow an effective drill-down into individual aspects of the customer relationship and the emotions expressed by the customer.

What feelings prevail among the customers who talk about warranty?
CRM Sentiment

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